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Keeping  it a 100 is based on true stories I have experienced. Here I will say my honest opinion about what I Really think and feel.

Keeping  it a 100 is based on true stories I have experienced. Here I will say my honest opinion about what I Really think and feel.


Food, Beauty, Art, Science, Poem, Photography, Psychology, Philosophy, Travels, Books, Magazines, Editorials, Fashion People and Places. I Am here.

Food, Beauty, Art, Science, Poem, Photography, Psychology, Philosophy, Travels, Books, Magazines, Editorials, Fashion People and Places. I Am here.


Addictive Beauty Products I Just cant seem to stop talking about. Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear.

Addictive Beauty Products I Just cant seem to stop talking about.
 Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear.

Currently Obsessed