The website
I started illustriousophy.com because I thought it was the best way to get involved within the beauty and fashion community but also where I could express my passion and write about some of my opinions. What started of with me giving beauty and styling advise to family members, friends and then colleagues, over the years became a valued reviews and trending advise for customers from all around the world.The base is still very small but it’s an ongoing growth. My knowledge is also based on my makeup artistry background but more so, I just happen to be an extremely devoted customer who’s been testing, analysing and researching several skin care products and beauty trends over the past 9 years. I am basing this site on my personal experience from one consumer to another keeping it honest kind but real. Even though this page will be focusing mainly on beauty, It will occasionally contain other subject that I tend to have interest for related to fashion trends , upcoming event in Barcelona, food (yes food), wellness, accessories, traveling, art and books.
Please take your time and look around, I hope you will enjoy what you see. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.
To learn more about me follow me on Instagram!
About me
I thought to keep this introduction short and casual instead of having a biography about myself. I’m a part time beauty blogger, currently working with IT and Supply Chain Operations. I am raised in Stockholm, Sweden however I residence at the time being in Barcelona, Spain. I have done some work previously for Maxfactor and Stockholm’s Mercedes fashion week. When I am not working full time or being active on my blog, I work as a professional makeup artist and as a beauty shopping adviser.