The Sun and The Moon.
Ever since I was a little girl I had always been fascinated with the moon, the way it changes shape and color the way it looks like a face that is taking a sneak peek. I mean I can’t be the only one who thinks that way right? Even though I have been called Shams many time in my life which is Arabic for Sun. I always strive to have the presence of the moon weather it’s from a roof top, my balcony in the car or by the beach. It’s just something about it that is dark mysterious and cold yet bright warm and great. I don't necessary associate myself with the moon but I find it very fascinating and captivating also in a way it makes a reflection as the part of my life I strive to be or have? Its different, unique new but familiar, undiscovered and I want to learn more. I am starting to speak in an unworldly way so I will go back to what I was saying in order to not loose track of what I was telling of this post.
When I was 13, I had joined a book club about horses even though I wasn't one of those girls who were interested in horse riding nor horses but my dad thought it was a good idea to blend in and be like most of my 13 year old Swedish girlfriends. When you first join the club as a thank you, they give you a silver bracelet which is divided into two parts which can be reattached to one another. One was part sun and one part was half-moon. I unsubscribed to that book club after my second book, but I told myself if I manage one day to find a friend or even the person who I feel is similar to how I see the moon I will give them the moon. Obviously I can’t give them the sun they will already have me (yes I was very arrogant and confident at that age believe it or not).
Well next day I couldn't find the moon, it was gone missing and I was devastated (teenage problems) so I decided that I will always keep the sun part in my wallet and try not to lose it. After all according to Hari Krishna and I quote -In the sun there is great heat and light, and by reflecting the greatness of the sun's light, the moon at night also appears great. Actually the moon is by nature dark and cold, but in association with sun it has become accepted as great. Hence by association of the Great, one appears great. Maybe that's why I am fascinated by the moon because in a way its me but in another its my opposite and mostly what I also would strive to be like.
“Aspire to Inspire“
-Become conscious of being conscious as the secret is in the present. If you pay attention to the present you can improve up on it. We cannot find ourselves in past or future only place we can find ourselves is in now.
It's not what happens to you in life, it's how you choose to react to it.
Yesterday (19th October 2014)I celebrated my birthday. Thanks to everyone for the humbling Bday wishes!!! I’m so grateful and blessed yet for another year of life and lessons learned. I keep learning more and more about myself and become more aware of the world around me with every passing year. I feel like this year started off as one of the nicest brightest years of my life which I hadn't felt in a while and all the sudden became rather the darkest moments of despair, most of the time completely unprepared for any of it. But then again, that’s life we cannot stop the weaves we can only learn how to surf. Easier said than done right I know that myself but only thing you can do is to ask yourself if am tempted to react the same old ways, do I want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of my future? Well with that being said I am excited to celebrate life and to see what this year gets to offer me.
F for food and Fika
I would say one of my favorite meals is Brunch, which is lunch and breakfast combined. I also like my Fika time (pronounced "fee-ka") a Swedish word which basically means "drinking coffee ", usually accompanied by something sweet. Coffee can also be replaced by hot chocolate, tea or juice... you choose. The word has become widespread even at my work place some people have already adapted the fika culture into their daily routine.