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The Ordinary


High- Spreadability Fluid Primer
I am sure by now, you probably have heard about this brand? If not, then make sure to check it out or at least try some of their products as I very am curious to know what is customers’ first impression of it.

The ordinary is mostly known for delivering quality skincare at an affordable price, keeping the packaging as simple as possible and less focus on brand marketing. Instead, the brand focuses more on the actual functions that can be afforded, the solutions and reasonable prices which is usually the trap that attracts some of us High-end product lovers.

Among other solutions, the brand has an answer for every skin type out there, among other solutions, it states to help out with reducing blemishes, minimizing the appearance of pores, reducing wrinkles and evening out the skin tone.

I have tried so far 4 products from this brand which I will be reviewing more on in future blog posts but by far this primer is absolutely one of my favorite products. Not only it's very cheap (even though it doesn't reach the same level of prepping the skin as my high-end primers), you still get naturally mattified, blurry yet glowing results once applied on clean skin.

When you first apply the primer, it feels cold, very fluid (almost as a cold oil) and once you blend it with your skin it turns more soft, smoothing and calming to the point where most of the pores get blurred. Unfortunately, as much as I really wanted to favorite this product as it did prep the skin and set the makeup, after a couple of hours you can clearly see how it does not locks the makeup even though your skin still looks youthful and natural.

I would probably still use it even on the makeup-free face because you still get an amazing feeling and great results if you are looking for something more natural and simple. I would say for daily use this would go great, but for evenings, nigh out and long days with no time to refresh the makeup, I would probably use the more expensive primers to keep the effect more lasting.


You can find the product available online. I purchased mine from Druni in Barcelona for 7 Euros.