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Filtering by Tag: Mac.Pro:brow Pencil

Brows That Wows Vol1. Are those real?


I get that question asked the most when it comes to my looks along with, do you wear hair extensions? As a women with a Middle Eastern background some of us are usually  blessed with a fair amount of good hair, lashes and brows (in my case not so much the brows).  In this review I will be talking about the part one Taffy review for  eyebrow tattooing method which is basically the opposite of the harsh tattooing we are used to seeing the old days.  
The Taffy method look very natural because it simulates each of the real individual brow hairs and can be specifically customized. Depending on your own natural brow shape and color they can be carefully colored or completely reshaped as each new strand is delinquently etched and colored by hand. If you want to read more about the process, the tools, the price, how long they last and what kind of results you should expect I will be talking more about that in my VOL.2 eyebrow Taffy review but in the meantime I will post the link below to the website of Gnails salon were I had them done for more information.
Luckily I have managed to find a very special and truly talented eyebrow goddess where I come from in Sweden who helped me enhance and maintain my own natural brows. She is based in Stockholm and usually booked for months and months in advance so thank you to Gnails for really truly changing the way I feel and how my face looks (remember eyebrows really can help define your eyes and reshapes the face). 
It is an annoying and a time consuming thing to constantly having to worry about shaping my eyebrows. Long story short as I am sure many of you did, not listening to your mum saying -"do not over pluck your eyebrows or they never grow the way they were" will hunt you back later on re-thinking why you didn't I listen to your mum among many other advises during your life time . Back then I assumed since I had very thick hair and brows there is no way they will not grow back once I over plucked them.  I just thought it was in my genes I guess. But Nop, one of my eyebrows unfortunately never completely fully grew back to its natural shape as the other one did.  I live in Spain which encase you have oily skin means every time it rains or its too hot or you are at the beach tanning or swimming or just been to the gym chances are one of my eyebrows will fade slowly unless I fill it with makeup. So to constantly having to worry about my eyebrows is really not an ideal thing and I had far more important things to worry about than my brows (even though they are really important to me) so therefore when I first heard about the Taffy eyebrows on Instagram I was stunned of how natural they looked.  So here is my before and after picture of the first set since you do need to get them retouched after a couple of months in order for the color not to fade away completely once you have them retouched  they should last for a good amount of two years.

I Will post the image of the second retouching once I am back to Sweden in order to compare in my VOL.2 Taffy eyebrow review.