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Filtering by Tag: eyelashextension

Lashing Lights....


Some of my previous work with single lashes D Curve 9-12 mm.

Some of my previous work with single lashes D Curve 9-12 mm.

Another one with single lashes, C curve 10-13 mm. I apologise  for the lightning and will come back with abetter capture.

Another one with single lashes, C curve 10-13 mm. I apologise for the lightning and will come back with abetter capture.

Let’s talk about Lash extensions baby!

Ask me whatever you need to know about eyelash extensions and I will give you my opinion based on my experience both as a customer and as a certified eyelash designer (since 2010). I got my License from Sweden, Stockholm and what started off as a training center at my beauticians home, is now a huge beauty salon and training canter for eyelash desinges such as me. I was only able to work an eyelash designed once or twice per week maximum as a part-time extra cash activity on the side of my fulltime job. Eyelashes and Brows can bring the face a new life and the feeling that you dont need to wear any makeup now that your features are already enhanced.